(rain date Sunday May 21)
Start Point: L Shaped Municipal Parking Lot adjacent to the former Rite Aid at 393 Highland Ave in Davis Square, which is on the Somerville Community Path.
RSVP on facebook event page to help us estimate count.
Bring your kid bikes, grown up bikes, cargo bikes, bike trailers, tandem bikes, bikes with kid seats, etc for 2nd Annual Spring Family Bike Ride. A chance to meetup with other families in the area who love to bike, celebrate Spring and get Mother's Day off to a fun start with quality time with your children (or send a loved one to this event with your kids and have some me time at home...)
We will be riding to the newly reconstructed Spy Pond Playground in Arlington. We will have police details and parent volunteer marshals (please volunteer!) Route map link.
Rough schedule, subject to change:
9:30AM-9:50AM Gathering time
9:50AM-10:00AM Remarks
10:00AM-10:30 AM Ride
10:30AM-12:00PM Play at a playground.
No group return, people gradually depart when they like.
Please contact us to volunteer to help with this event.
Start location:
Photos of start location:
Photos of Spy Pond Park: